Card Statistics
From a painting by J. S. Pedley
- Description: Bat, batting right
- Team: New York Yankees
- Population (# Sold): 9
- First Date Sold: 2022-07-26
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-10-30
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 4
- Highest Auction: $ 219.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 146.94
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the New York Yankees in the Helmar Oasis series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 86, Yogi BERRA (HOF)
- # 87, Joe DiMAGGIO
- # 93, Mickey MANTLE (HOF)
- # 127, Babe RUTH (HOF)
- # 128, Lou GEHRIG
- # 129, Mickey MANTLE (HOF)
- # 194, Babe RUTH (HOF)
- # 222, Sam Jones
- # 272, Bill DICKEY
- # 283, Waite HOYT
- # 284, Lou GEHRIG
- # 306, Joe Dugan
- # 311, Frank CHANCE
- # 314, Roger Peckinpaugh
- # 376, Lefty GOMEZ (HOF)
- # 379, Herb PENNOCK (HOF)