Card Statistics
- Description: Check swing
- Team: Chicago Cubs
- Population (# Sold): 23
- First Date Sold: 2018-08-07
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-12-01
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 5
- Highest Auction: $ 83.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 22.89
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Chicago Cubs in the T206-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 33, Frank CHANCE
- # 51, Joe TINKER (HOF)
- # 89, Tom Needham
- # 90, Newt Randall
- # 136, Kitty Bransfield
- # 216, Tommy Leach
- # 234, Johnny Kling
- # 236, Johnny EVERS
- # 238, Johnny EVERS
- # 239, Frank CHANCE
- # 240, Frank CHANCE
- # 241, Jimmy Archer
- # 252, Johnny Kling
- # 253, Johnny EVERS
- # 255, Joe TINKER (HOF); Johnny EVERS; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 256, Jimmy Archer
- # 257, Solly Hofman
- # 259, Joe TINKER (HOF)
- # 261, Mordecai BROWN (HOF)
- # 263, Frank CHANCE
- # 264, Jimmy Archer
- # 276, Ed Reulbach
- # 280, Frank Schulte
- # 282, Jimmy "Rabbit" Slagle
- # 285, Orval Overall
- # 288, Carl Lundgren
- # 291, Carl Lundgren
- # 292, Pat Moran
- # 298, Del Howard
- # 299, Fred Merkle
- # 300, Orval Overall
- # 333, Hippo Vaughn
- # 398, Phil Wrigley
- # 429, Fred LINDSTROM (HOF)
- # 525, Larry Cheney