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Larry Jansen


From the "This Great Game" card back: Over his first five seasons in the majors, “Lord Larry” Jansen has won 96 games, an average of 19 per. He paced the National League with 23 wins in 1951, and was the winning pitcher in the now-famous “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” game that featured the homer by Bobby Thomson to wink the hated Dodgers. It was superb timing by Larry, as it was his lone victory over Brooklyn after three defeats earlier in the ‘51 campaign.


Birth Date: July 16, 1920
Birth Location: Verboort, OR
Death Date: October 10, 2009
Death Location: Verboort OR, USA
Weight: 190 lb
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Bats: R
Throws: R
Debut Date: April 17, 1947
Final Game Date: September 25, 1956
Years Played: 9
Games Played: 291
At Bats: 600
Runs: 37
Hits: 90
Doubles: 12
Triples: 1
Home Runs: 1
RBIs: 48
Stolen Bases: 0
Base on Balls: 39
Batting Average: 0.15
Position: Pitcher

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