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Fain, Ferris


From the "This Great Game" card back: Ferris Fain won two batting crowns, but hardly anyone seemed to know it because he suffered playing for the woeful Athletics. In 1951 the broad-shouldered first baseman from San Antonio batted .344 to easily outpace the rest of the league, and to prove it wasn’t a fluke, he batted .327 the following season to pace the circuit again. He was a rascal between the white lines: known as “Burr Head” because of his hot temper, he must have gotten mad a lot playing for a second-division team nearly every year.


Birth Date: March 29, 1921
Birth Location: San Antonio, TX
Death Date: October 18, 2001
Death Location: Georgetown CA, USA
Weight: 180 lb
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Bats: L
Throws: L
Debut Date: April 15, 1947
Final Game Date: September 24, 1955
Years Played: 10
Games Played: 1,151
At Bats: 3,930
Runs: 595
Hits: 1,139
Doubles: 213
Triples: 30
Home Runs: 48
RBIs: 570
Stolen Bases: 46
Base on Balls: 904
Batting Average: 0.29
Position: First Baseman

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