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Larry Corcoran


Cap Anson says: "Larry Corcoran, upon whose skill great reliance was placed, was at that time in the zenith of his glory as a twirler. He came, if my memory serves me rightly, from somewhere in the neighborhood of Buffalo. He was a very little fellow, with an unusual amount of speed, and the endurance of an Indian pony. As a batter he was only fair, but as a fielder in his position he was remarkable, being as quick as a cat and as plucky as they made them."


Birth Date: August 10, 1859
Birth Location: Brooklyn, NY
Death Date: October 14, 1891
Death Location: Newark NJ, USA
Weight: 127 lb
Height: 5 ft 3 in
Bats: B
Throws: R
Debut Date: May 1, 1880
Final Game Date: May 20, 1887
Years Played: 10
Games Played: 326
At Bats: 1
Runs: 192
Hits: 287
Doubles: 47
Triples: 15
Home Runs: 2
RBIs: 111
Stolen Bases: 5
Base on Balls: 52
Batting Average: 0.223
Position: Pitcher

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